Privacy Policy

Updated on June 15, 2023

OPEX INTERNATIONAL always seeks to strengthen the confidence of its brand in the market and treats all data collected with complete privacy, whether through its website or direct relationship with customers, suppliers, business partners or data holders who may, at any time, exercise the rights provided for in the General Data Protection Act.

OPEX INTERNATIONAL Privacy Policy aims to clearly point out information regarding the data that is collected, such as: form of acquisition, storage, processing, transfer, consultation, and management.


General Data Protection Law (LGPD). Federal Law No. 13,709 published on August 14, 2018, which regulates the activities of Personal Data Processing, including in digital media, by natural persons or legal entities governed by public or private law, with the aim of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

Processing Agents: are those responsible for the Processing of Personal Data and are separated into two categories:

The Controller, person, or company responsible for decisions regarding the Processing of Personal Data.

The Operator, in turn, is the person or company that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller, following its instructions.

Personal Data: information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Processing: any operation carried out with Personal Data whether or not it is automated, that is, it is the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, storage, archiving, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion, or extraction.


We collect different types of information depending on the access channel and type of negotiation carried out with OPEX INTERNATIONAL.

Collections of data from contacts received by the official website of the company, through the contact forms are:

  • Name;
  • Telephone;
  • E-mail;
  • Company you work for.

In the case of established commercial negotiation, the personal data provided are:

  • Name;
  • Telephone;
  • E-mail;
  • CPF;
  • Address;
  • Position/profession;
  • Company you work for.

In the case of legal entitlements, the information collected is:

  • Social reason;
  • Fantasy name;
  • State registration;
  • City registration;
  • Address;
  • Telephone;
  • Activity field.

In the case of online purchase and sale operations, the following data may be collected:

  • Gender;
  • Name;
  • Surname;
  • Birth date;
  • E-mail;
  • CPF;
  • Telephone;
  • billing address;
  • and delivery address.


The data received through the contact form on the official OPEX INTERNATIONAL website will only be used to contact you and make commercial proposals in accordance with the interest of the holder. The data provided for the generation of commercial proposals and later for the contract for the provision of services will be used for:

  • Issuing and sending charges due by the holder.
  • Direct communication when performing support services in general.
  • Notify you of any changes to our products and services.
  • Conducting satisfaction surveys.
  • Sending statistics related to contracted services.
  • Sending new commercial proposals.
  • Understand and evaluate the effectiveness of targeted advertisements, in order to improve the relevance of our offered content.
  • For other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection, or otherwise as authorized or required by law.  


We may share the data collected with third parties and partners relevant to providing the services. We use third-party services to operate, perform, improve, understand, customize, support, and advertise our services. We require that shared data be used in accordance with our instructions and terms or with your express consent, where applicable.

We may share your information with judicial, administrative, or regulatory bodies in order to provide the competent authorities with the data requested in relation to the Holder and the actions that are performed by him in the services made available, aiming at combating fraud and abuse in the use of the services. hired. Furthermore, we may share personal information for investigation regarding violation of law, or non-compliance with policies and contracts.

If OPEX INTERNATIONAL is reorganized or sold and the assets are transferred to a new owner, the data intended to guarantee the continuity of services will be transferred to the buyer, regardless of his authorization. In other cases where your authorization is required, we will send you a notification with details regarding the use of personal data requesting your consent.


All data provided may, at any time, be requested, changed, shared, or deleted by sending a detailed request to or using the form at the bottom of this page.

We reserve the right to request confirmations of ownership prior to executing any given request.


OPEX INTERNATIONAL is not responsible for the veracity of the Personal Data provided when contacting, quoting, registering and/or contracting any products or services, as well as for any damages arising from the inaccuracy and/or outdatedness of said information.


OPEX INTERNATIONAL offers products and services, to which we are limited as operators of personal data, according to the instructions of our clients. OPEX INTERNATIONAL is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of our customers. To find out how the data collected by our customers is treated, it is necessary to consult the respective privacy policies.


They include all information that allows identifying geolocation, device data, such as your IP address, operating system, pages you browsed within our internet domain, that is, data on how you interact with our services.

All actions and information captured on our website, related to accessing it, may be archived and used directly or indirectly through our partners linked to our provision of services to contact you, provide services or make business offers directly connected to our menu of services, interesting to your business that may interest you.

Data about how you interact with the services offered on our websites, for example the pages you viewed, whether you opened an E-mail or added a product to your cart, may also be stored. When you receive an E-mail from us and decide to access our website, we can identify these accesses as yours.


We may use the information collected using tools such as Google Analytics and other third-party tools designed to analyse internet browsing. We do not provide these services with means of relating navigation data with data that may have been provided in forms. To check what these tools can do in terms of identification, it is important to read the terms of service of the respective providers in question.

The use of this data is intended to improve and provide our products and services, perform support, testing, data analysis, statistics, research, and general related troubleshooting. We can also develop marketing strategies relevant to you.

In the case of offering online payment services, we can proceed with payment requests made by you, in payment intermediation, in addition to preventing and managing risks of fraud or other behaviour considered illegal.

Navigation data may be required in legal proceedings, by a competent government body or that claims to have jurisdiction over OPEX INTERNATIONAL, in order to exercise and defend rights in judicial, arbitration or administrative proceedings.


OPEX INTERNATIONAL, as well as our partners, use technologies designed to automatically collect and store data about the use of our services, including cookies, web beacons, SDKs and pixels.

The collected data is used to customize your browsing experience and optimize performance. This information may also be used to promote advertising campaigns, develop and apply security features and fraud prevention procedures.


Cookies are essential tools for internet browsing. These are small text files that websites, applications, digital media and advertisements store in your browser or devices (computer, tablet, or smartphone) in order to optimize and personalize your browsing experience on the Sites.

The term “cookie” can be used to describe a number of technologies, including but not limited to pixel tags, web beacons and mobile device identifiers.

Cookies have an expiration date. They can last for one session, collect non-identifiable information and are automatically deleted when your browser window is closed, or they can be permanently stored on your device until they expire, or you manually clear them. Permanent cookies collect information that can identify the individual.


Essential cookies: these cookies are necessary for our website to function, allowing you to browse and use our resources, making it possible to provide the services you request. These cookies do not collect and store information about you. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.

Analytics cookies: these cookies allow us to analyse, operate and continuously improve our services, products, and communications by allowing our Sites to remember the language, location, device used or other experiences that are customized according to those preferences, as well as whether they are working correctly. With this information we are able to maintain and continuously improve our services.

Advertising Cookies: These cookies help us to provide you with more relevant advertisements based on your interests, as well as to limit the number of times an advertisement will be shown to you. Some of the pages you visit on the Sites may also collect information such as your name, which pages you visit on our Site, your purchase history, and the like through the use of pixel tags (or pixel tags), which may be shared with third parties that directly support our website promotion and development activities.


You have the right to choose whether or not to accept cookies, although most Internet browsers are set to automatically accept cookies by default.

You can change your settings to block these cookies or to alert you when cookies are sent to your device. To disable cookies in your browser, follow the instructions normally found in the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” menus in your browser (essential cookies cannot be disabled).

Please note that if cookies are disabled or removed, not all features of the Sites may function as intended.

OPEX INTERNATIONAL may create references to third-party sites by creating links to them, but we are not responsible for the content therein and does not even share the way these sites collect and use your personal information. To find out how this information is treated, we recommend that you access the terms of responsibility of each one.


OPEX INTERNATIONAL protects all information collected in order to reduce the risk of loss, misplacement and unauthorized access. We use advanced features of firewalls, access control and encryption of all stored and transmitted information.


OPEX INTERNATIONAL will apply all guidelines mentioned in this document during the time the information is stored.

The data will remain stored until:

  • the period required by law.
  • end of processing of personal data.
  • preservation of the legitimate interest of OPEX INTERNATIONAL
  • compliance with regulatory or legal obligations.
  • the Holder requests the deletion of his data.
  • when there is a legal determination in this regard.

Your relationship with OPEX INTERNATIONAL as well as the application of the guidelines of this Privacy Policy will be terminated as soon as the processing of this personal data is interrupted, except in applicable legal situations.


OPEX INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time, by publishing the updated version on its website. If there is a material change in the handling of personal data, you will be informed and given the opportunity to review the revised policy before deciding to continue using our Services.


Any and all disputes arising from the terms set out in this Privacy Policy will be resolved in accordance with Brazilian law, with jurisdiction in the city of Vitória – ES, excluding any other, however privileged it may be.

Use the form below to request the alteration or deletion of your personal data stored in our domain.